Past Concerts
2013 – 13 Concerts
Tuesday 31 December 2013 at 4 pm Concert -La Bande de la Loingtaine and friends (programme and musicians will be announced later)
- Aki Saulière, violin David Quiggle, viola Raphael Bell, cello Matt Hunt, clarinet and their friends Gordan Nikolic, violin, artistic director of Netherland chamber orchestra Celine Flamen, violoncelle, Flemish Philharmonic Orchestra
Friday 13 December 2013 at 8:30 pm – La Bande de La Loingtaine at Salle Cortot, Paris
- Aki Saulière, violin David Quiggle, viola Raphael Bell, cello Alasdair Beatson, piano Programme: Schumann Märchenbilder op.113 for viola and piano Mendelssohn trio with piano no2 op.66 Fauré quartet with piano n°2 op.45
- Schumann, Mendelssohn
Thursday 12 December 2013 at 7 pm – La Bande de La Loingtaine
Cancelled! – Saturday 16 or Sunday 17 Novembre 2013 at 4 pm Concert of Chamber Music
- (programme and musicians will be annouced later)
Saturday 2 November 2013 at 4 pm – Concert of chamber music and Camerata La Loingtaine
- Concert will take place at Fontainebleau Castle -Trinity chapel
- Brahms -Sixtet, Bartok - Divertimento
Tuesday 29 October 2013 at 7 pm – Concert of Chamber Music Students and professors of the Autumn session of the Academy
- Aki Saulière, violin David Quiggle, viola Raphael Bell, cello Joseph Carver, doublebass
Sunday 20 October 2013 at 4 pm – First concert of the season
- Aki saulière, violin Raphael Bell, cello Mimi Solomon, piano
- Beethoven, Schubert...
Sunday 4 August 2013 at 4 pm – Concert of students of La Loingtaine Summer Academy
- Professorrs: Yuko Mori and Aki Saulière, violin David Quiggle, viola Raphael Bell, cello
Sunday 30 June 2013 at 5pm- Last Concert of the Season
- Aki Saulière and Tamako Azuma, violins Raphael Bell, cello Laurence Oldak, piano Duo Agineko (Sander Geerts, viola et Yasuko Takahashi, piano)
- Zaborov, Chaillou, Dhonanyi, Brahms